Saturday, December 6, 2008

Speech #3 - Impromptu Speech Critique

Post your self-critique to the Elevator Speeches here. Please include in your post two suggestions for improvement (one content and one delivery). Also, include two comments on strength. I am expecting supporting details with each suggestion/comment. The depth of the suggestions and comments will be taken into consideration when grading this post. This post is due by December 15.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Speech#2 - Persuasive Speech Critiques

Post your speech critiques here. Be sure to include the topic of their speech and details that comment on three strengths and three needed improvements. You should give your speech partner some suggestions on how to make the improvements in your post. I am looking for details in this blog and not just a listing of ideas. It is your job in posting to illustrate that you understand what makes for an effective speech presentation from the point of view of the listener (receiver). Did the argument move you to take action based on the evidence? Be sure to comment on the strength of the argument regarding details, research and evidence.Please use only the person's first name.

Making Online Connections

Do you have a facebook account? A Myspace account? The increased use of blackberries, PDA's cellphones is creating an increase in the number of people disclosing information in writing that they would not share in a face to face siutation. According to research cited in Seiler and Beall, Communication:making connections, Women are more likely than men to form relationships on the internet. The research found that 72 percent of women and 55 percent of men surveryed who interact on the internet have formed personal online relationships. What have you found in your experience to be true? Have you formed personal relationships over the internet? Have you found yourself disclosing personal information that you would not communicate in a face-to-face interaction? Can interactions occuring over technology ever replace or fulfill the interpersonal needs experienced in a face-to-face situation?

What Kind of Listener Are You? (#4)

What kind of listener are you? Take this listening test. Discuss one area of improvement listed in your results. Comment in the blog based on the listening tips in our text how you can improve in this area. Be sure to personalize it and used specific stratgies that you will utilized to make positive changes in your listening area.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nonverbal Communication(#3)

Many of us take nonverbal communication for granted or read messsages out of awareness when it comes to using nonverbal to listen to messages. Watch a TV talk show (Oprah, etc.) Look for three different adaptors as the host are using them in their conversations. Which adaptors are frequently being used? Do they actually fit into a category? Are they important in relaying nonverbal communication to the audience or receiver of the message(s)? Please comment to this post after reading chapter five on nonveral communication. Be sure to identify the show title, time and date of the airing of the show.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Critiques for the Informative Speech (speech #1)

Post your speech critiques here. Be sure to include the topic of their speech and details that comment on three strengths and three needed improvements. You should give your speech partner some suggestions on how to make the improvements in your post. I am looking for details in this blog and not just a listing of ideas. It is your job in posting to illustrate that you understand what makes for an effective speech presentation from the point of view of the listener (receiver). Please use only the person's first name.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Perception (#2)

We reviewed the function of perception in our daily communication in chapter two in our course textbook, Communication Making Connections by William J. Seiler and Melissa L Beall. After having read this chapter, please blog on your thoughts on the following:

What kinds of perceptions are created in your speech? Can you discuss a time when someone judged you or created a false perception of you based on your speech? Was it your accent or some other quality of the tone of your voice (rate, pitch, volume)? Was it your word choices? Vocabulary? Sarah Palin, a current Republican Vice President Nominee has an Alaskan accent? Will you judge her capability or credibility for the role of Vice President by her voice qualities? Do you automatically jump to conclusions or have preconceived perceptions about someone based on a person’s speech qualities? Share with us briefly the situation, what was the incorrect perception, and your self-reflective thoughts on the incidence? Could you have created a different perception by changing your speech?